- IAF shall prepare a list of candidates who obtain the minimum qualifying marks in the Online AFCAT as fixed by the IAF in their discretion.
- Candidates who are declared successful in the Online AFCAT will be called at one of the Air Force Selection Boards.
- Candidates who have applied for NCC Special Entry will be directly called for AFSB testing at one of the AFSB centres.
- The AFSB centres are at Dehradun (1 AFSB), Mysuru (2 AFSB), Gandhinagar (3 AFSB), Varanasi (4 AFSB) and Guwahati (5 AFSB).
- Candidates who have qualified in the written exam are required to choose AFSB date and venue by themselves on the website https://careerindianairforce.cdac.in OR https://afcat.cdac.in/ in in order to generate call- up letter for AFSB interview.
- Testing at AFSB
- The testing at AFSB would consist of three stages as given below :-
- Stage-I :
- Officer Intelligence Rating Test along with Picture Perception and discussion test will be conducted on the first day. Stage-I test is a screening test and only those who qualify would undergo subsequent testing. All Stage-I qualified candidates would be subjected to document check to ascertain their eligibility for the branches applied for. Candidates who either do not qualify in Stage-I or do not meet the required eligibility criteria would be sent back on the first day itself
- Stage-II :
- Stage I qualified candidates undergo following tests as part of Stage II testing during next three to four days :-
(i) Psychological Tests are written tests that are conducted by a Psychologist.
(ii)Group Tests are interactive indoor and outdoor activities which are a combination of mental and physical work.
(iii)Interview involves a personal conversation with an Interviewing Officer.
- Stage-III :
- (Only for Flying Branch) Computerised Pilot Selection System (CPSS) would be administered to recommended candidates only. This is once in a lifetime test. Candidates who have failed the CPSS/ Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) in an earlier attempt or a Flight Cadet suspended from flying training at Air Force Academy will not be eligible.
- These tests will be explained to you in detail before they are conducted at the Selection Board.
- At the Conference held on the last day, all the Assessors i.e. the Psychologist, Ground Testing Officer and the Interviewing Officer, discuss your personality and finally decide on whether to recommend you or not. Those recommended by the AFSBs will be required to fill up certain documents at the Boards and subsequently move to the next step.
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